Build a tagging system for your learnings, organise key findings in your data, visualise themes, synthesise insights, share them with your team to prioritise opportunities based on evidence, not opinions - all while working together in real-time.
Organise customer learnings, search and visualise findings to find patterns, link customer insights to product opportunities and make data-driven decisions
✔ Format content with a rich text editor
✔ Add tables
✔ Store media files in context
✔ Edit content in real-time with your team
✔ Build a tagging system
✔ Tag key findings in your data
✔ Keep track of your progress
✔ Visualise findings by channels, topics, customers, segments
✔ Use filters to zoom in and out of data
✔ Track everything to data from your customers
✔ Create evidence-based insights
✔ Add rich-text commentary
✔ Store media files in context
✔ Export as PDF [coming soon]
✔ Brainstorm and capture ideas
✔ Search based on channels, keywords, customers, etc.
✔ Filter by tags, segments, notes, created by, etc.
✔ Combine filters to build queries
✔ Sort by date, frequency, etc.
Work together in real-time as you review and analyse learnings in your data from user research and customer feedback
Quickly organise findings by highlighting key information in your data and tagging them
Reference key findings to summarise findings from your research, share them with your team to inspire ideation
It allows you to see all the different things, across so many scripts, and so many highlights, at one glance. It just makes everything so easy to look through… And the best part, I think, is that it allows people to work remotely and collaboratively.
In my last study with epiphany, I used 2 days to summarise my whole week’s 15 interviews, and make it presentable to the internal team. It took me 3-4 days in the past and the only thing I got was walls full of post-it-notes.
Being able to just quickly get to the information that I need,. that I've already got, I see that as invaluable.
epiphany makes analysing user interviews and drawing insights from them a breeze. It's so intuitive and powerful that there is no learning curve. I'm in love with this tool. It reduced weeks worth of thematic analysis to mere days.
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